Content without strategy behind it will fail.
The same is true for great writing.
Strategy is the undercurrent for the best writing and content. And what is strategy?
And that's what Timothy shares in this episode: strategies to improve your thinking, to then improve your output. Whether content, writing, or even positioning.
If you want to increase the impact of your marketing, don't miss this episode.
Here are the top five insights from our conversation:
"Marketing is sales at scale." Timothy learned this from an early mentor, and it's stuck.
So, using that definition, marketing should achieve a goal similar to sales. "If you're investing dollars into a marketing department, you want to see a return on investment." If not, why have a marketing department, just have salespeople. So, are sales and marketing the same?
No. "The tools that marketing uses to do that are very different; they don't look the same as what a salesperson is going to use." The paths are different, too.
Marketing will use brand, educational content, and community to deliver revenue vs a salesperson using cold emails or direct relationship building. One might say marketing relies more on creativity. But some of the best salespeople can get creative, too (just in a different way).
Ultimately, marketing and sales must work together as they row toward the same goal: Revenue.
How they achieve that goal is vastly different.