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By failing to address a clear WHO, your content will RARELY succeed


Your content isn’t for ANYONE – Which is why your content isn’t working.

Here are three ways to define who, but first:

Imagine you received a letter addressed to “All human life forms.”

How would that make you feel? How curious are you to read the letter? What’s the chance you simply toss the letter?

We get mail like this every day. We call it spam.

If your content isn’t for a specific human, it’s no different than spam.

Which is likely why it doesn’t perform well.

So here are three ways to begin defining WHO your content is for

  1. Talk to your current audience/customers regularly (through content and interviews)
  2. Use “Where did you hear about us” as an open-ended question on your forms
  3. Experiment on platforms for a specific timeframe
    1. While more focused on the “where,” you can slowly uncover the WHO on these platforms
  4. Bonus: Leverage the specific/broad framework
    1. Focus on either:
      1. Specific audience (young marketers) with a broad topic (marketing)
      2. Broad audience (business peeps) with a specific topic (SEO to grow a business)

Once you’ve begin defining WHO, it’s time to focus what your content is for

Or, as I frame it: What progress does your audience hope to make through your content?

That’s what we cover in EPISODE 3 of Why Your Content Isn’t Working