I made a royal mistake last time I was job searching

No, it wasn’t that I spent $100 on coffee in 2 weeks

The mistake was not having a plan

More specifically, a plan with PHASES

When job searching, time is an asset

At the beginning, you have “more time”

Which means you should swing for the fences (Dream jobs)

Phase 1: Dream jobs + teams

During phase 1, I do two things:

1 - Relax, recharge, and refocus on what’s next

2 - Spend extra time finding and applying to dream contexts

For #2, I spend 1-2 hours researching dream companies to find if any roles would fit me

I am currently spending 3-4 weeks in this phase

Phase 2: Good jobs + teams

This phase will be the longest and the most tedious

You begin to open your appecture and apply to more jobs while spending less on research

The tradeoff is that you have more fishing rods in the water, with less effort on each rod

This phase can least anywhere from 6-12 weeks

Phase 3: SOS–I will do ANYTHING

Desperation enters stage left.