Imagine you knew you were dying tomorrow.

What would you leave behind for those around you? Money? Advice? Materials?

While I think life insurance and property is good, we would do well in bestowing wisdom to them that will help them live the best life possible. We may do that indirectly through experiences and sharing stories, yet we would benefit from having these written down.

That is what this Alamanac is.

It is my guiding wisdom/principles that guide my life. The things that direct me under the surface and help me become the best version of myself.

So while my list won’t match yours (that’s good!), I believe you can learn a thing or two from reading another person’s guiding principles. Understanding why or how they came to that belief is equally as fruitful as learning of the principle.

I hope my principles inspire you and encourage you to become the best you can be.

If you want to take a side track and learn more about my story, click here (under construction)

Click here to go to track 2: Guiding Principle 1